Global WAKEcup: 1 Day Plastic Free Challenge

I’m stoked to have teamed up with Global Wake Cup for their 1 Day Plastic Free Challenge!  The idea is pretty clear, challenge yourself to go one day, just one day, without using any single use plastic.  Can you do it?  There are some helpful tips on the cotton tote pictured above….

If you want to find out more about the challenge, head on over to their dedicated website page: HERE and make sure you follow them on Insta: @globalWAKEcup and use the hashtag #1dayplasticfree when doing your challenge!

There is also a just giving page set up with The Marine Conservation Society where you can donate the cost of your daily coffee if you like.  These guys do sooooo much work with our oceans and coastlines, check out their site if you’re not familiar with them.

You know my story, I don’t go anywhere with out my reusable water bottle (and for the whole family), my travel coffee cup, I now use metal straws in my smoothies, I take carrier bags with me everywhere and keep some in the car. And the best thing we ever did was invest in a proper coffee machine.. it was £150, however, we no longer spend upwards of £6 a day on coffee between myself and my husband (potentially £186 per month), AND we make it at home in the morning in our travel cups.. so even easier to avoid a disposable coffee cup.

My hardest plastic challenge is to do with the weekly food shop.  Some of you might have seen in my insta stories that I’m testing out different supermarkets for price and plastic.  My aim is to find one that offers the most products without packaging and recyclable packaging AND affordable.  I will blog about my findings so far (when I can!).  So far I’ve done Aldi, Sainsbury’s, Morrisons and Tescos.  I am on a mission to cut our waste as a family and be more mindful of what we use.

Reusable: Make-up remover cloth

So after my Resolutions blog with me banging on about how I want to continue to waste less, I have had a great response with companies contacting me to test out their reusable and/or recyclable products.  And I am all for it.  I love testing things out!

So I was sent a couple of face cloths from Norwex.  These microfibre cloths take off all your make up, with just adding water.  I have been using mine in the shower instead of my usual cleanser (actually cleanser is a lie, I got through nearly an entire bottle of ‘cleanser’ only to realise that I had been washing my face with moisturiser for the past few months) to remove make up and its crazy how good it is.  It even takes off my mascara, which I would usually need to use eye make up remover for, even after a shower, (or perhaps I’ve just not been washing my face properly).

So all the pros:

  • These face cloths are reusable.
  • You don’t need to use any other product on your skin.
  • So, if you’re not using a wash or cleanser, then you won’t be buying it… therefore no bottle packaging.. no waste.
  • The chemicals from the face products, that you now don’t need to use, are not going into your body through your skin.
  • I just took mine away with me for the weekend, it was perfect!  Travel friendly and no liquids for plane journeys!
  • Some people might not like that its made from polyester, however, I like the idea that this cloth will last me much, much longer than a bottle of face wash or cleanser (or moisturiser…), so its less waste in the long run.

Thanks for sending Nicki! Click here for more info or to get in touch with Nicki.

No make up selfie!!! Has to be done… see, no products used apart from the this lil cloth!